Magnate Consulting, LLC

It seems that 24 hours is not enough to accomplish everything that needs to be done. Often times we find ourselves working overtime and 24/7 in this field.

Developmental Disabilities Consultant

advocacy, change, DD waiver, developmental disabilities, emergency regulations, HCBS Final Settings, Magnate Consulting, quality assurance, seniors
It seems that 24 hours is not enough to accomplish everything that needs to be done. Often times we find ourselves working overtime and 24/7 in this field.

How can you manage your agency's time better? How can your staff manage time better so that they can be more productive and not get burnt out so quickly?

The To-Do List is never ending. You start your day with a nice list of things that you are going to check off. As soon as you hit the office, an incident has happened, someone called out or you have a 2 hr meeting that ends up being 5 hours. Those To-Do items get moved to the next day and then the next day.

Make sure that your meetings are effective and solution based. Have a set agenda and stay on track.

Make sure that your staff know what to call you for when you're on call and ensure that they don't call for every little thing.

Make sure that you don't procrastinate and wait until the last minute to finish projects.

Be timely and don't start the day late. Be respectful of other's time.

Every day is different and it seems that things are always happening but still remember to have good time management.

(703) 679-8153


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